Monday 24 November 2008

The site

This is the field next to the polytunnels at the CSA site, Paddington Farm on the outskirts of Glastonbury. Plans for next year are to cultivate this area, which until now has been pasture. Some drainage improvement and wind protection work on the northern boundaries (willow hurdles) also need to be done over the winter.

The polytunnel - crops of coriander, broad beans and winter salad are in the ground now, and the central path has been dug out with the soil piled up to make raised beds. Colum's in the picture here, with our friend Caz from Canalside CSA in Leamington Spa ( - one of the projects which inspired us to start Torganics.

1 comment:

andrew said...

Good picture - and godd luck with the venture.

Interesting investment into tunnels, creating a new climatic environment.