Tuesday, 20 January 2009

First stage Lottery bid successful!

We just had word that we're through the first round of the Local Food Lottery bid - now we've got lots more forms to fill out :)

Friday, 16 January 2009

Publicity for meeting

Well, the posters are going out, and the flyers, and we've sent out press releases to local media and community groups. So far the Mendip Messenger have said they will carry a piece about Torganics, next week, and the Fosse Way have already sent a reporter up to the farm, who interviewed Colum and took some photos - so look out for that next week. They're interested to follow our progress beyond the meeting too, which is great news.

We'll be at the Farmers' Market on 24th January in Glastonbury, with an information stand and sign-up forms - come and say hello!

Thanks so much to everyone who has been helping us put this together so far - it's wonderful to feel such strong community support gathering!

Monday, 12 January 2009

Publicity has started for the Public Meeting on 28th January. We've put some posters and flyers up around town, and several local newspapers will be carrying our press release in the next week or so. Any help in distributing news of the event, particularly to local schools, primary care trusts etc, would be really welcome - if you would like copies of the posters and flyers, drop us an email (torganics@hotmail.com) and we'll arrange to get some out to you!